Monday, January 6, 2014

Just Call Me Professor

I have a love-hate relationship with my job some days. There are days filled with frustration, way too much paperwork and high tensions. Other days are filled with fun, adventure and challenges that leave me with a great sense of accomplishment at the end of the day. Tomorrow promises to be one of the latter.

First, some background. When I was in college I had two memorable classes. When it was time for me to choose my work placement assignment, I choose to go and work with the professor from one of them. Good thing too because I am lucky enough to still be working there. Over the last few years that I been there, I have been privileged enough work with and learn from some very exceptional people. And tomorrow, I get to do the teaching.

I've been asked to guest lecture for my boss' class, a class that I in fact took from him, at a school I graduated from. It's pretty cool. It's great having an opportunity to share my experience and administrative expertise (on a subject that I personally find pretty fascinating) with a whole new generation of legal professionals.

 I will take some advise from David Tennant aka The Doctor and avoid the word "Exactomondo" and stay clear of the cafeteria food, especially the chips :) So wish me luck and oh you can Professor Heather...

Wish me luck!

Friday, December 27, 2013

2014: Oh What a Year it Could be...

I know it's naïve to believe in New Years Eve. To think that like so many comic book writers we can throw the god-switch at 11:59pm on December 31th and wake up in a new universe where the well defined rules of the past are all forgotten and a whole new world is just beginning where anything and just about everything is possible. Yet, I still always look forward to it (or maybe its just the fact that I always drag my husband out for stake and lobster).

New Years, like any other day is a new opportunity. A chance to reflect on the year that has past and dream about a future that is different, maybe even a little better than the one we've just survived. So instead of resolutions that we never keep or worse forget after a week or two, I am going to share with you some things I would like to see happen in 2014.

What follows, in no particular order are things I plan on doing or seeing in 2014:

1. NAC Orchestra: I would love to see at least one performance in the coming year simply because experiencing live music being performed by musicians who are passionate is nothing less than inspiring.

2. Do battle with the LSATs: Yes, it's that time, where I attempt to do battle with those logic questions that have driven many better than I mad. Well I am already crazy, so I hope that I can rein victorious over the evil standardized test.

3. Cabin in the Woods: No, not the horror movie. I hope to spend some time by an ocean this summer. It's simply easier to breath and dream by the ocean. I think I must always live in a place with readily available access to a least one body of water.

4. Play that funky music white girl: Since I am now that proud owner of a piano and a guitar I would like to see more of my time spent playing music and less time sitting in front of a computer/ television screen.

5.Read more: pretty self explanatory.

6. Oh Boss my Boss: I would love the opportunity to see Bruce Springsteen in concert again and seeing as he has new album dropping in January maybe just maybe I will be lucky enough to get another show in, this time with Moo.

7. Date Night: hopefully not staring Steve Carell. It's always important to make time for those that we love and thankfully continue to put up with all our shit (or maybe that's just my husband). So date nights and not just your boring dinner and a movie nights but nights of crafting, cosplaying, comic writing/ reading and all around quality time without the words "I'm tired or work" overshadowing the evening.

8. Kindly turn off your phone: I would like to actually make a habit of turning off my cell phone on the weekends, giving myself a break from constant access to facebook notifications, text messages and e-mails. I went without my phone for almost two weeks on and off this past year and man it's a little scary how dependent I am on it. So maybe some time apart would be a good thing.

9. A whole weekend of Dr. Who: At some point I want to devote an entire weekend to doing nothing but a complete binge on the beloved BBC show staring my favourite alien of all. Preferably with friends in a whole sleepover, movie/ television show theme snacks kind of event.

10. Murder: of the dinner theatre variety. I have yet to experience the wonder and amazement that is a dinner theatre murder mystery. So maybe 2014 will be the year that I can find out if it actually was Prof. Plum in the library with the candle stick.

Well there you have it, those are the things that I want in my 2014 and I will be wishing for when the clock strikes midnight on January 1, 2014, assuming I am in fact conscious and capable of logical thought.

Happy New Year all and may you find what you're looking for in the magic of the new year.